Cat Breeders Directory

Cat Quote: "There is something about the presence of a cat... that seems to take the bite out of being alone." ~ Louis J. Camuti

New York Cat Breeders Directory

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Procurl Harem American Curls - Caroline Scott of New York, New York 10002PROCURL HAREM - Caroline Scott - Email - Website

Location: New York, New York 10002 - Telephone: (212) 598-0018

Affiliations: Cat Fanciers Association - Shipping: Yes

Curly-eared buddies of opulent colors and loving dispositions our hallmark. Since 1986, we breed pet to top show American Curls CFA registered. Caroline is the CFA American Curl Breed Council Secretary.

Please report any and all inaccurate information

Graro Maine Coon - Maine Coon - Listed 11/16/2008
Garff Run - Maine Coon - Email - Website - Listed 08/18/2009


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