A Mother’s Quest: Cat’s Brave Journey to Save Her Kittens

Published: June 7, 2024

A Mother's Quest: Cat's Brave Journey to Save Her Kittens


A Rooftop Rescue

One day, a vigilant resident spotted a stray cat making her way across a rooftop, clutching two tiny kittens in her mouth. Responding to a call for help, rescuer Karina arrived just in time to witness the feline mother vanish into a hidden crevice.

Karina heard faint squeaks emerging from a tight space between a wall and a garden shed. With careful precision, she managed to safely capture the mother cat using a humane trap and tucked the fragile kittens into a secure carrier.

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Source: Anne

For the initial weeks, Karina provided a safe haven for the mother cat and her babies. Then, the feline family transitioned to Anne’s foster home, where they could continue their journey to recovery and socialization.

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Source: Anne

Initially, Mathilda, the mother cat, was wary and reticent, keeping her distance from her rescuers. Anne ensured Mathilda had a cozy and well-stocked nursery, allowing her to unwind and eventually reconnect with her kittens.

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Source: Anne

Building Trust

Despite her protective instincts, Mathilda began to relax after a few hours, her maternal instincts kicking back in. She rejoined her kittens and resumed her nurturing role, though she remained cautious around her human caretakers.

Anne noted, “She was very protective and wouldn’t let me near her kittens without hissing, but she was never aggressive.” Her fierce dedication to her babies was clear, even as she began to trust Anne more each day.

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Source: Anne

The kittens, Magnus and Martha, showed early signs of robust health, though Magnus was initially smaller. Anne prepared to bottle-feed but was relieved to see him gaining weight naturally, a testament to Mathilda’s diligent care.

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Source: Anne

Mathilda was particular about where her kittens stayed, often moving them to precarious spots. Despite Anne’s efforts to create safer nesting areas, Mathilda had her own plans, eventually settling them on a couch with soft landings prepared below.

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Source: Anne

A Growing Bond

Over the next few days, Mathilda began to understand that Anne was there to help. The turning point came during snack time, where the delicious treats provided a bridge to trust and companionship.

As Mathilda began to accept Anne’s affection, she started to enjoy the indoor comforts. She would rub her face against Anne’s hand, savoring the newfound safety and love.

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Source: Anne

“Now, she snuggles up against me while nursing her little ones. She loves affection and is much more relaxed,” Anne shared, highlighting the evolving bond between them.

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Source: Anne

Mathilda’s gentle nature shone through, her stern looks belying a caring heart. She balanced her maternal duties with moments of independence, clearly understanding that her kittens were safe.

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Source: Anne

Adventurous Kittens

As the kittens grew, so did their curiosity about the world. Magnus began to explore beyond just sleeping and nursing, while Martha was utterly captivated by her surroundings.

At a mere three weeks old, the kittens displayed surprisingly bold personalities, attempting to climb Anne as if she were their personal playground. Their energetic antics brought joy and laughter to their foster home.

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Source: Anne

Anne remarked, “It is still a bit difficult for them to do at this age, but it looks like they’ll have very outgoing personalities.” Their fearless endeavors hinted at the adventurous lives ahead of them.

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Source: Anne

Thanks to the dedication of their rescuer and volunteers, Mathilda and her kittens are now on a path to a future brimming with love and pampering. Mathilda’s days of hardship are behind her, replaced by a nurturing environment where she and her babies can thrive.


  • Those kittens are going to have amazing lives thanks to all of you! Keep up the great work!

  • brooklyndreamer

    Such a touching story, but I wonder how common it is for stray cats to move their kittens like that?

  • liamaurora

    Thank goodness for people like Anne and Karina. My heart is melting. ❤️

  • AddisonDelta

    Amazing rescue! But why didn’t they try to get the kittens first before the mother?

  • Wow, such bravery from Mathilda! I’m curious, did Anne end up adopting any of the kittens?

  • This is so heartwarming! Thank you, Karina and Anne, for your wonderful work. 🙏

  • whiskers

    What an incredible story! How are Mathilda and her kittens doing now? 😊

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