A Puppy’s Journey from Abandonment to Becoming Dad’s Cherished Princess

Published: June 17, 2024

A Puppy’s Journey from Abandonment to Becoming Dad’s Cherished Princess


It’s deeply heartbreaking that some dog owners are capable of abusing their dogs and filling their innocent hearts with overwhelming fear.

Bella was only a puppy who craved love and protection, but sadly, what she received instead was mistreatment and abandonment.

After her owner dumped her on someone’s land, Bella felt so scared and vulnerable that she dug a hole, trying to protect herself.

As the pup was hopelessly lying curled up in a ball, she didn’t imagine that her life would take the most unexpected turn.

A Puppy’s Journey from Abandonment to Becoming Dad’s Cherished Princess-1
Source: GeoBeats Animals

A Good Man Finds Her

One day, a man discovered a trembling puppy on his property, suspecting she had been abandoned.

With compassion, he brought her home.

Initially, Bella was so traumatized she couldn’t even eat. The man’s family cared for her over the next two months.

Hoping to find Bella a loving family, they shared her story online, explaining that she was still fearful despite some progress.

A Puppy’s Journey from Abandonment to Becoming Dad’s Cherished Princess-1
Source: GeoBeats Animals

Upon seeing the puppy’s sorrowful eyes, a kind-hearted woman immediately reached out, promising to provide Bella with a forever home.

Bella Starts A New Life

Bella’s new guardians faced challenges as she was too scared to enter their home, clinging to the walls for protection.

The couple recognized that Bella was emotionally shattered and committed to helping her heal.

A Puppy’s Journey from Abandonment to Becoming Dad’s Cherished Princess-1
Source: GeoBeats Animals

Her new dad patiently lay on the ground, speaking softly to comfort her.

Although Bella froze in fear and avoided eye contact, her dad’s persistence paid off when she finally accepted a treat from him.

Love Chased Away All Her Fears

The couple showered Bella with love, which gradually melted her fears away.

“She warmed up to my husband like instantly,” Bella’s mom shared, describing the transformation.

A Puppy’s Journey from Abandonment to Becoming Dad’s Cherished Princess-1
Source: GeoBeats Animals

Thanks to their unwavering love, Bella began to trust and adore her new parents wholeheartedly.

Bella and her dad formed a special bond; she loves snuggling with him and sleeping in his arms.

A Life Filled with Joy

Bella’s parents are in awe of her transformation.

A Puppy’s Journey from Abandonment to Becoming Dad’s Cherished Princess-1
Source: GeoBeats Animals

“She’s everything that’s pure in this world. With love and time and care, you can basically fix anything,” Bella’s mom remarked.

Now, Bella enjoys a playful life with her doggy siblings, Tucker and Gilly, and her loving parents.

Bella’s mom highlights the impact of kindness, stating, “Just being a good human, you can do so much and you can make such a difference in someone’s life, a dog’s life, a person’s life, it doesn’t matter. Just be a good person and good things will happen.”


  • LOL, Bella going from scared to snuggling in dad’s arms is just too cute! 😍 My heart can’t handle this! 😂

  • gabriellasymphony

    This made me tear up. Thank you for sharing Bella’s journey. We need more stories like this in the world.

  • VictoriaMidnight2

    Such an inspiring story! Bella is so lucky to have found her forever home. How is she doing now? 🐶

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