Abandoned Dog Waits in Field, Clinging to Hope Her Owners Will Return

Published: July 29, 2024

Abandoned Dog Waits in Field, Clinging to Hope Her Owners Will Return


A Desperate Wait for Her Family

Welcoming a dog into our lives comes with a promise to love and cherish them forever. For many dogs, however, this promise is broken, leaving them mistreated and deprived of affection. One such dog was found in a field, abandoned by the family she trusted. This story is about her unyielding hope and resilience.

Kicho was once a beloved pet, but her life took a dark turn when her family started neglecting her. Despite being chained and mistreated, she never lost faith in her humans. When she fell ill, they heartlessly abandoned her in a field, leaving her to fend for herself.

The pup’s condition deteriorated, but she steadfastly waited for her family to return. Her loyalty was unwavering, even in the face of betrayal. The sight of her lying in the field, looking defeated yet hopeful, was truly heartbreaking.

Abandoned Dog Waits in Field, Clinging to Hope Her Owners Will Return-1
Source: Animal Shelter

The story of Kicho’s abandonment is a poignant reminder of the cruelty that some pets endure. But it also highlights the strength and resilience of these loyal animals, who continue to hope for a better life despite their suffering.

Good Humans Come to Rescue a Sad Pup

A compassionate farmer noticed the distressed pup and immediately reached out to a rescue team. The rescuers were moved by the sight of Kicho, who had lost all hope. Her body was covered in scratches, and she was missing fur. She seemed to have given up on being saved.

Determined to help her, the rescuers approached Kicho gently. Initially, she was terrified and ran away, but they did not give up. They knew that earning her trust would take time and patience.

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Source: Instagram

Eventually, the rescuers managed to capture Kicho and took her to a veterinary clinic. The vet diagnosed her with mange and scabies, along with chronic skin infections. She was in desperate need of medical attention, and the staff immediately began her treatment.

Kicho’s initial response was one of fear and distrust. She had been through so much that she couldn’t easily trust humans again. But the clinic staff were determined to show her that she was now in safe hands.

Abandoned Dog Waits in Field, Clinging to Hope Her Owners Will Return-1
Source: Instagram

The Pooch Begins Feeling Better

The clinic staff worked tirelessly to care for Kicho, showing her compassion and patience. They named her Kicho, a symbol of her new beginning. Slowly, she began to trust them, her sweet eyes expressing gratitude for their kindness.

As her treatment progressed, Kicho’s health started to improve. Her skin healed, and she regained her strength. The caregivers were overjoyed to see her standing on her paws once again.

Though still wary of the outdoors, Kicho’s curiosity began to outweigh her fear. The staff used food to coax her outside, and she started exploring her surroundings, her tail wagging with a newfound excitement.

Abandoned Dog Waits in Field, Clinging to Hope Her Owners Will Return-1
Source: Instagram

With continued care and medication, Kicho’s skin condition improved significantly. The itching subsided, and she transformed into a beautiful, joyful dog. The staff were thrilled to witness her complete recovery and see her radiant smile.

Surrounded by Love

Kicho’s journey didn’t end at the clinic. One of her rescuers decided to take her in, providing her with a safe and loving foster home. Kicho’s happiness was evident as she left the clinic, ready to start her new life.

In her foster home, Kicho received an abundance of love and care. Her new caregiver showered her with affection, ensuring she felt cherished and adored every single day. For Kicho, this was a dream come true.

Abandoned Dog Waits in Field, Clinging to Hope Her Owners Will Return-1
Source: Instagram

Surrounded by love, Kicho’s transformation was complete. She went from a heartbroken, abandoned pup to a joyful and cherished companion. Her story is a testament to the power of love and the importance of giving every animal a chance at a happy life.

Kicho’s rescuers and caregivers deserve immense gratitude for their selflessness and dedication. They gave Kicho a second chance, and in return, she brought joy and love into their lives. Her story is an inspiration to us all.


  • Wow, what a transformation! From a sick pup to a joyful doggo. Big thanks to the vet team! ❤️

  • So glad Kicho found a loving home. How can we help support more rescues like this?

  • charlie_serenity

    Amazing recovery! Kicho looks so happy in the end. Bless those who saved her! 😊

  • PepperNebula2

    How could anyone abandon such a loyal dog? People are cruel sometimes. 🙁

  • laylaflare

    This story is both heartbreaking and uplifting. Thank you to the rescuers! Are there any updates on Kicho’s current situation?

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