Abandoned Kitten’s Incredible Journey to Finding a New Family Will Touch Your Heart

Published: August 6, 2024

Abandoned Kitten's Incredible Journey to Finding a New Family Will Touch Your Heart


A Kitten’s Unexpected Journey to Love

After being discovered alone in a yard, a tiny kitten, dubbed a “panther”, found herself in dire need of help. Her mother had moved all her siblings but somehow left her behind. A compassionate couple discovered her and, unable to find her mother, brought her to a nearby adoption center.

Despite being just a few days old, the little kitten named Hadley was in desperate need of care. The adoption center quickly began supportive care, ensuring she stayed warm and alert. Without her mother’s care, Hadley’s chances of survival were slim at such a tender age.

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Source: Ellen Richter

Ellen Richter, an experienced foster carer, stepped in to provide round-the-clock care. She bottle-fed Hadley tirelessly, ensuring she received the nourishment she needed. As Hadley showed signs of improvement, Ellen decided to introduce her to a nursing mother cat, hoping it would give Hadley the best chance to thrive.

Abandoned Kitten's Incredible Journey to Finding a New Family Will Touch Your Heart-1
Source: Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions

Ellen had recently taken in a pregnant tabby named Liberty, abandoned near the adoption center. Liberty had given birth to six kittens in the safety of Ellen’s home. When Hadley’s eyes began to open, she was introduced to Liberty and her kittens, and she immediately found comfort in her new family.

Abandoned Kitten's Incredible Journey to Finding a New Family Will Touch Your Heart-1
Source: Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions

Finding Comfort in a New Family

Hadley quickly integrated into her new feline family, seeking warmth and comfort from the nursing mother alongside her larger foster siblings. Ellen supplemented Hadley’s feeding every two hours to ensure she continued to gain weight and stay healthy. She felt immense relief watching Hadley thrive.

Abandoned Kitten's Incredible Journey to Finding a New Family Will Touch Your Heart-1
Source: Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions

The kitten melted into her new mother’s care, enjoying the warmth and love she had missed. She would stretch her tiny legs and fall asleep with a full belly, feeling safe and cherished. It was a tender sight that warmed everyone’s hearts.

Abandoned Kitten's Incredible Journey to Finding a New Family Will Touch Your Heart-1
Source: Ellen Richter

With her eyes wide open by two weeks, Hadley was becoming more active and curious. She was no longer the lonely kitten she once was, now surrounded by loving humans and a caring feline family. Her transformation was nothing short of miraculous.

Abandoned Kitten's Incredible Journey to Finding a New Family Will Touch Your Heart-1
Source: Ellen Richter

The other kittens were fascinated by Hadley, often touching or staring at her in curiosity. Her presence brought a new dynamic to the group, adding to the already bustling energy of the little family.

Abandoned Kitten's Incredible Journey to Finding a New Family Will Touch Your Heart-1
Source: Ellen Richter

Growing Stronger Every Day

Hadley began to show signs of her mother Liberty’s traits, making “biscuits” with her tiny paws. As her appetite grew, so did her strength. She started to explore her surroundings, honing her gait and becoming more confident with each passing day.

Abandoned Kitten's Incredible Journey to Finding a New Family Will Touch Your Heart-1
Source: Ellen Richter

As Liberty’s kittens entered the weaning phase, Ellen took over the feeding duties for Hadley. This allowed Liberty to focus on her six demanding kittens while ensuring Hadley continued to receive the nourishment she needed.

Abandoned Kitten's Incredible Journey to Finding a New Family Will Touch Your Heart-1
Source: Ellen Richter

It was remarkable to see how far Hadley had come in such a short time. From being a helpless, lonely kitten, she had blossomed into a lively and curious little cat, thanks to the love and care of her foster family and her new feline mother.

Abandoned Kitten's Incredible Journey to Finding a New Family Will Touch Your Heart-1
Source: Ellen Richter

Hadley’s journey touched everyone who met her. With her “bear” claws and big doe eyes, she melted hearts at every mealtime. Her story is a testament to the power of love and the incredible impact a caring community can have on the most vulnerable lives.


  • LucasMonolith9

    Wow, Ellen is like a real-life superhero for kittens! Give her all the awards! 😻

  • DylanSentinel

    What a brave little kitten! Does anyone know if Hadley has been adopted yet?

  • roseamethyst

    OMG, Hadley is just too cute! How can anyone resist those big doe eyes?! 😍

  • emily_astral

    Such a heartwarming story! Big thanks to Ellen and Liberty for saving little Hadley. ❤️

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