Abandoned Pup’s Miraculous Transformation Will Melt Your Heart

Published: August 8, 2024

Abandoned Pup's Miraculous Transformation Will Melt Your Heart


Plum had always longed for human affection, yet she faced nothing but cruelty and abandonment.

Deprived of a loving home, Plum was confined to a puppy mill, forced to give birth to countless puppies. Her breeders, no longer finding her useful, heartlessly abandoned her at an overcrowded shelter in Riverside, California.

The shelter environment left Plum terrified and withdrawn, her eyes filled with tears. She desperately needed someone to believe in her and offer her a second chance at life.

Jumping To Plum’s Rescue

After enduring three agonizing weeks in a noisy shelter, Plum was placed on a euthanasia list. Her once bright eyes were now devoid of hope, as if she had accepted her tragic fate.

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Source: Saving Riverside Shelter Dogs

Fortunately, the compassionate team at Saving Riverside Shelter Dogs, a group dedicated to rescuing at-risk dogs, learned about Plum’s heartbreaking situation and decided to visit her.

They created a touching video of Plum and shared it on social media, stirring the hearts of many. People were moved by her plight and rallied for her rescue.

Amber Arpin and Imagine Peace for Pups Rescue stepped in to save Plum. They arranged for her to be placed with a local foster, Lea Candelo, who welcomed Plum with open arms. Plum felt an overwhelming sense of relief and safety in her new temporary home.

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Source: Amber Arpin

Meeting Her Rescuers

When Plum arrived in Portland, Oregon, she was joyfully greeted by Arpin and the team at Imagine Peace for Pups. Zeb Walter, her foster-to-adopt dad, came to take her to her new home.

Despite her rough past, Plum remained sweet and trusting. She seemed to sense that her life was about to change for the better.

As she stepped off the bus, Plum greeted Zeb and her rescuers with kisses. “Today she came out of the bus with her sweet face and we almost lost it,” Imagine Peace for Pups shared on Facebook, describing her as small, thin, but incredibly trusting.

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Source: Amber Arpin

The rescuers showered Plum with love, even treating her to her very first puppaccino. Her eyes sparkled with joy as she basked in the affection.

A New Life Filled With Love

Plum bid farewell to her heroes and settled into her new home, where she was showered with love by her new dad and furry sister, Miley.

Plum had never felt so loved, and she started to truly settle in.

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Source: Amber Arpin

A week later, Plum visited the vet and underwent surgery to remove two masses, which were later confirmed to be cancerous. Miraculously, Plum beat cancer.

“Miley and Plum did great at their vet appointment today. Both are in great health, and weight. Also Plum is cancer free,” Zeb shared on Facebook.

Living Her Best Life

Plum now enjoys sharing updates about her life on Instagram. She loves hiking and visiting the park with Zeb and Miley.

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Source: @plumtherocketeer

The delightful dog basks in the love her dad gives her, living her best life each day.

Plum has finally found the happiness she always deserved, soaking up all the affection that comes her way.

Her journey from abandonment to joy is a testament to the power of love and second chances.


  • anthonyelysium

    Absolutely love this! Would love to see more updates about Plum’s adventures. Is she on social media?

  • Harmony_Celestial

    Thank you for sharing Plum’s journey! Her transformation is truly heartwarming. Bless the rescuers! 🙏

  • ClaraInferno

    This is amazing, but why does it take so long for these poor animals to get noticed? 😔

  • Wow, Plum’s story is so touching! 🐶❤️ How can I help support shelters like this?

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