Anxious Puppy Finds Hope in the Most Unexpected Way

Published: June 24, 2024

Anxious Puppy Finds Hope in the Most Unexpected Way


Rolo’s Amazing Foster

The moment Tracy encountered Rolo, she was taken aback by his fear. He was so petrified of people that he would freeze in place. She shared with The Dodo, “He was frozen and was clearly very scared. When I picked Rolo, I could tell he was scared around people.”

As his foster mom, Tracy brought him into her home and provided a kennel, a safe space where he could retreat. Though he explored his new environment, any sight of Tracy would send him scurrying back to his sanctuary.

Tracy was patient, attempting to pet him without forcing the interaction. Rolo would approach hesitantly, only to withdraw at the last moment, seeking the security of his crate.

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Source: The Dodo

This routine continued for some time. Rolo would shyly peek out, silently seeking attention before retreating to his comfort zone. Tracy empathized, saying, “I figured he probably never came in contact with very many people in his life, and I don’t want to overwhelm him, because he was already scared.”

Rolo’s New Friend

A significant shift happened when Tracy introduced Rolo to her own dog, Lily. Their bond was immediate and surprising. While Tracy had hoped for a positive interaction, the rapid change in Rolo’s demeanor was heartwarming.

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Source: The Dodo

Rolo started spending all his time with Lily, who was equally thrilled to have a new playmate. Tracy observed, “When I saw him being happy with my dog, it made me feel really good and I knew he was gonna have a good time here and not be scared all the time.”

Lily’s influence was remarkable. Rolo grew braver each day, even beginning to seek out Tracy’s affection. His transformation was delightful to witness.

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Source: The Dodo

Seeing Rolo’s growing confidence, Tracy felt reassured. Lily’s positive impact was undeniable, and Rolo’s fear was steadily diminishing, replaced by curiosity and joy.

Rolo’s Forever Home

As time went on, it became clear that finding Rolo a permanent home was the next step. Tracy felt a pang of sadness, knowing she would miss him dearly, but she understood the importance of a forever family.

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Source: @taylormade42083

When Taylor expressed interest in adopting Rolo, Tracy felt a sense of peace. She shared, “When Taylor reached out and said she was interested in him, I figured she’s the family for him.”

The moment Taylor’s son met Rolo, an instant bond formed. Rolo’s fear of new people vanished, replaced by joy and excitement. He had finally overcome his anxieties.

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Source: @brotherofrescues

Rolo’s new home in Florida was bustling with dog siblings, providing endless playtime and companionship. He was surrounded by love and care, a testament to his journey from fear to happiness.


  • roseethereal

    What a lovely transformation! But why didn’t Tracy just keep him? He seemed so attached.

  • So glad to hear Rolo found his forever home! How’s he doing now with his new family?

  • Wow, Tracy did an amazing job with Rolo. It’s incredible what patience and another dog’s companionship can do.

  • This story warmed my heart! How long did it take for Rolo to fully come out of his shell? 😊

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