Dog Owner’s Late-Night Discovery Will Leave You Speechless

Published: September 8, 2024

Dog Owner's Late-Night Discovery Will Leave You Speechless


Restless Night

Canines don’t view nighttime as a period of total rest like humans do. Many dogs find crates to be a source of stress rather than comfort. This was evident when a dog owner from South Carolina, @felicia_nik, installed a hidden camera in her dog’s crate. Her puppy, Wheatie, a Poodle Bichon Frisé mix, was far from resting.

When placed in the crate, Wheatie noticed the camera and attempted to chew it multiple times. After his futile attempts, he tried to sleep on his back with paws in the air. However, sleep continued to elude him.

Wheatie soon got up, seeking attention and looking for someone. Realizing no one was coming, he started playing with his blanket in a nervous attempt to pass the time. His desperation was clear as he struggled to find comfort.

In a last-ditch effort, Wheatie tried to escape the crate by gnawing at the bars. This, too, failed, leaving him no choice but to lie down and eventually fall asleep. After a tough battle with the crate and himself, he finally succeeded.

When his owner reviewed the footage, she couldn’t resist sharing the amusing scenes with her TikTok followers. She created a video showcasing Wheatie’s antics.

Numerous Reactions

The video quickly garnered attention far beyond her expectations. Viewers were drawn to Wheatie’s nighttime saga, and many shared their own experiences with their pets. The responses were overwhelming and heartwarming.

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Source: @felicia_nik

One user humorously shared, “We got my puppy a Snuggle Puppy. He loves it! however, at almost one year it now has no heart, no ears, no tongue and 3 legs. Lol.” Another viewer pleaded, “Poor baby, let sleep with you at your bed please 🙏🐶🥺.”

A third commented, “So this is why my dog is knocked out like he had 3 jobs during the day.” These relatable and funny responses showed how common Wheatie’s struggle was among pet owners.

Understanding that dogs might not sleep well at night gives us insight into their daily naps. If you’ve ever wondered why your dog sleeps all day, now you have an answer, and you’ll likely feel more empathetic. After all, they have their own battles to fight.

Sharing the Love

Aside from the amusing responses, the video fostered a sense of community among pet owners. They found solace in knowing they weren’t alone in their late-night pet adventures. @felicia_nik’s video became a point of connection.

This story highlights the lengths pet owners will go to ensure their furry friends are happy and comfortable. Wheatie’s struggle was not just entertaining but also a reminder of the love and care we extend to our pets.

Sharing pet experiences online helps build a supportive network. It’s not just about the laughs; it’s about the shared understanding and empathy that comes with being a pet owner.

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Source: @felicia_nik

Our pets might not always have a smooth night, but our love for them remains steadfast. It’s these moments that strengthen our bond with them.

A Lesson for All Pet Owners

Wheatie’s story serves as a lesson for all pet owners. It shows the importance of understanding our pets’ needs and behaviors, especially at night. A simple camera can reveal so much about their world.

By paying attention to these details, we can make adjustments to improve their comfort and well-being. Whether it’s changing their sleeping environment or providing more attention, small changes can make a big difference.

It’s crucial to remember that our pets rely on us for their happiness and health. Being attentive to their needs is a big part of responsible pet ownership.

So, next time your pet can’t sleep, consider what might be causing their restlessness. Maybe, like Wheatie, they just need a little extra love and care.


  • My dog does the exact same thing! It’s like they have a whole secret life when we’re asleep! 😂

  • bentleyodyssey

    Why would you leave the puppy alone at night? Crates aren’t always the best solution.

  • JasperDestiny

    This story was so heartwarming to read. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

  • ethandelta

    Wow, poor Wheatie! Have you tried giving him a comfy bed outside the crate? 🐶

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