Meet the Golden Puppy with a Rare Coat that Will Steal Your Heart

Published: July 9, 2024

Meet the Golden Puppy with a Rare Coat that Will Steal Your Heart


A Rare Beauty

There’s a touch of magic in the world when a litter of puppies is born. In Pensacola, Florida, a Golden Retriever mom brought a special joy with her new pups. Among the adorable litter was one puppy with a coat unlike any other.

Unlike her siblings’ classic golden fur, this little one’s coat was a different color. At first, the breeders were taken aback, but soon they realized this unique characteristic made her even more charming.

On March 3, 2024, a litter of eight puppies arrived. Initially, they seemed like any other cute pups. But upon closer inspection, one puppy stood out with its unusual dark green hue.

Carole DeBruler and her husband, Greg, from Golden Treasures Kennel, couldn’t believe their eyes. Carole remarked, “We were kind of shocked,” adding that in 17 years, they’d never seen a coat like this.

Meet the Golden Puppy with a Rare Coat that Will Steal Your Heart-1
Source: @living_the_golden_life

A Unique Transformation

Typically, any green tint on a puppy’s fur would come off with cleaning. However, this time was different. Despite numerous baths, the dark green hue remained. Carole noted, “This is rare,” emphasizing how special this pup was.

After a few more baths and lots of love from her mom, the puppy’s coat turned from dark green to bright lime green. They named her Shamrock, and she soon became even more enchanting.

“And she stayed lime for a good while,” Carole shared with excitement, highlighting how Shamrock was distinct from any other puppy they had seen.

Meet the Golden Puppy with a Rare Coat that Will Steal Your Heart-1
Source: @living_the_golden_life

Shamrock’s unique color and endearing personality made her a standout, and her story only grew more fascinating as time went on.

A Viral Sensation

Recognizing the uniqueness of Shamrock, Carole and Greg decided to share her story on TikTok. The video depicted the Golden Retriever mom with her pups, explaining Shamrock’s extraordinary coat color.

The video went viral, capturing the hearts of many. It explained that Shamrock’s green hue was due to biliverdin, a pigment in the bile that occasionally stains a puppy’s fur in the womb.

Meet the Golden Puppy with a Rare Coat that Will Steal Your Heart-1
Source: @living_the_golden_life

Carole and her family continued to share Shamrock’s journey, creating a buzz around this one-of-a-kind puppy. “I’m just so excited to share Shamrock with the world,” Carole exclaimed.

As Shamrock grew, her green coat gradually faded, revealing the beautiful golden fur typical of her breed, but her story remained unforgettable.

A Forever Home

Shamrock’s charm and the attention she garnered made her the top pick for adoption. She was the first among her siblings to find a forever home, chosen by a man who had just retired and was ready to make her his world.

Meet the Golden Puppy with a Rare Coat that Will Steal Your Heart-1

“The gentleman getting her has just retired, and she will be his world. He loves her already so much,” Carole said, beaming with happiness.

Shamrock’s new family was ready to shower her with love and care, recognizing how special she was from the moment she was born.

We hope Shamrock continues to bring joy and love to her new family, remaining the extraordinary pup she has always been.


  • Bentley2

    Isn’t biliverdin what makes bruises greenish? So cool that it can affect puppies too!

  • CharlotteNebulae5

    How long did it take for her coat to change from dark green to bright lime?

  • Anthony_Ember

    Thank you for sharing Shamrock’s story. It really brightened my day! 😍

  • theodorecatalyst

    Not sure how I feel about this… seems a bit unnatural.

  • This is so cute! I can’t believe I’ve never seen anything like this before!

  • cooper_luminary9

    That green coat is fascinating! Does it have any effect on her health?

  • Wow, Shamrock is absolutely adorable! How can I follow her journey on TikTok? 🐾

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