Rescue of a Lifetime: Abused Dog’s Separation from Puppies Sparks Heartfelt Journey

Published: June 15, 2024

Rescue of a Lifetime: Abused Dog's Separation from Puppies Sparks Heartfelt Journey


The Rescue of Miss Molly

Despite their unwavering loyalty, dogs often find themselves at the mercy of unworthy owners. One such case was a seven-year-old Belgian Malinois, severely mistreated by her owner’s teenage son who frequently used a pole to beat her.

Molly’s plight extended beyond physical abuse; she was confined to a tiny kennel behind the house, regardless of weather conditions. Her days were spent on a short lead, living a life of sheer torment.

The cruelty lasted until her owners decided to divorce. Fortunately, a compassionate neighbor stepped in and temporarily took Molly under their wing, saving her from an uncertain fate.

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Source: Jess Bloom

However, Molly’s stay with her neighbor was brief. Soon, the Malinois and Dutch Shepherd Rescue (MAD Rescue) came into the picture, offering her a new beginning.

Her Most Difficult Moment

Upon arriving at MAD Rescue on December 13, 2023, it was discovered that Molly was pregnant. Just days later, on December 19, she gave birth to nine adorable Malinois-Lab puppies.

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Source: ROCKY Kanaka

While initially elated to meet her offspring, the situation took a dire turn as Molly became overly protective, posing a danger to her pups.

To ensure the safety of the puppies, the rescue team made the heartbreaking decision to separate them from their mother permanently. Seven found forever homes, while two went into foster care.

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Source: Vee Jenkins

Such overprotection is not uncommon, but in Molly’s case, the root cause was far more severe, stemming from her traumatic past.

Root Cause Of Her Suffering

Beyond the agony of being separated from her puppies, Molly faced numerous health issues. MAD Rescue detailed her condition on Facebook, revealing she couldn’t keep food down and suffered from dark vomit and diarrhea.

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Source: ROCKY Kanaka

Despite medical intervention, Molly’s health continued to decline. She lost significant weight and grew increasingly frail.

The severity of her condition led the veterinary team to perform exploratory surgery, aiming to uncover the underlying issue.

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Source: Vee Jenkins

The surgery revealed that Molly’s stress-induced past had caused large ulcers in her stomach lining. Prompt treatment brought immediate relief, setting her on the path to recovery.

Better Days Ahead

To ensure a stress-free recovery, Molly was moved to a quiet veterinary office in Wyoming shortly after her surgery.

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Source: Jess Bloom

Vee Jenkins of MAD Rescue shared that Molly was relocated to foster care on April 26, 2024, where she continued to improve.

The rescue team is now dedicated to finding her a loving forever home, where she can finally experience the peaceful life she deserves.

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Source: Jess Bloom

As stated in a heartfelt Facebook post, “Molly has paid more than anyone ever should have to and she is now very, very deserving of retirement.” She needs a family who will shower her with love and patience.


  • Why did they wait until after the divorce to step in? Seems like it took too long to rescue poor Molly.

  • naomi_umbra2

    Wow, what an incredible journey! How are the puppies doing now? I’d love to hear more about their new homes. 😊

  • JasonJourney

    It’s heartbreaking to hear what Molly went through. How can people be so cruel? I hope she finds her forever home soon. 🥺

  • JasmineGenesis

    What a touching story! I’m so glad Molly is finally getting the care she deserves. Thank you, MAD Rescue, for all you do! 🐶❤️

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