Rescuers Stunned by the Heartbreaking Scene Under the Highway

Published: August 2, 2024

Rescuers Stunned by the Heartbreaking Scene Under the Highway


Help Is On The Way

When a concerned caller reported a tiny pup seen repeatedly under a busy highway, Donna Lochmann, the chief life-saving officer with Stray Rescue of St. Louis (SRSL), sprang into action. She arrived on the scene but initially couldn’t find the pup. Determined, she decided to wait and listen.

After a tense wait, strange noises emerged from a nearby trash pile. Donna cautiously approached and spotted a small, adorable face peeking out. The little pup, unsure of what to make of the situation, was wary. Should he trust her or run away?

Rescuers Stunned by the Heartbreaking Scene Under the Highway-1
Source: Youtube

Donna knew she had to gain his trust. Speaking softly and offering tasty food, she slowly approached him. Despite his reluctance to eat, the pup allowed Donna to pet him. This interaction gave her the chance to slip a leash around his tiny head.

Rescuers Stunned by the Heartbreaking Scene Under the Highway-1
Source: Youtube

It took a moment for the pup to muster the courage, but eventually, he followed Donna to her car. The little trooper, later named Gibson, was on his way to a better life.

Rescuers Stunned by the Heartbreaking Scene Under the Highway-1
Source: Youtube

New Chapter

The drive back to the St. Louis shelter was uneventful, and Gibson soon found himself enjoying a warm bath and a hearty meal. Gibson’s sweet nature quickly won over a dog lover, who offered to foster him. Gibson adapted quickly to his foster home, ready to start anew.

Rescuers Stunned by the Heartbreaking Scene Under the Highway-1
Source: Youtube

With Gibson safe and sound, it’s essential to remember the overwhelming number of animals in shelters. According to Forbes, 6.3 million animals enter shelters across America each year, causing many shelters to become overcrowded.

Rescuers Stunned by the Heartbreaking Scene Under the Highway-1
Source: Facebook

Stray Rescue of St. Louis faces this challenge too. “Sadly, we have to go on another rescue freeze,” the shelter posted on Facebook. “More animals are coming in than are leaving. We don’t want to do this, but it’s the truth.”

Rescuers Stunned by the Heartbreaking Scene Under the Highway-1
Source: Facebook

This situation underscores the importance of community support. Helping out at local shelters through adoption or fostering can make a significant difference. Let’s show these animals they are worthy of love and care!


  • lukeessence0

    Bless Donna’s heart for her patience and dedication. This story made my day! 🙂

  • JasmineJade

    Why are there so many stray animals? We need better solutions for this issue!

  • CharlotteWanderlust

    Amazing work by SRSL! Gibson is so adorable. Can we get an update on his adoption?

  • How can I help out at my local shelter? Is fostering difficult to do?

  • Wow, what a touching story! Thank you, Donna, for saving little Gibson. 🐾

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