Rescuers Stunned by Tiny Newborn’s Unbelievable Journey to Survival

Published: August 12, 2024

Rescuers Stunned by Tiny Newborn's Unbelievable Journey to Survival


Fighting For Survival From The Start

In California, a litter of puppies was discarded by a backyard breeder. When a compassionate woman received a distressing call about a three-day-old puppy, she acted swiftly. The puppies were on the brink of death, desperately needing immediate care.

Clanay Reza, an independent animal rescuer, was contacted by a neighbor about the puppies. The litter was found under their deceased mother, who had bled out. Among them, the smallest and most fragile was Lucky, no bigger than a hamster.

Despite the odds, Reza didn’t give up on Lucky. She fed him formula every twenty minutes, barely sleeping during the first crucial days. Her dedication was unwavering, even though tomorrow was never promised.

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Source: @luckysecondchanceatlife_

Sadly, Lucky’s siblings didn’t survive. Lucky was the sole survivor, holding on to a slim chance of life, but his rescuer’s relentless care gave him hope.

Sleepless Nights and Ongoing Struggles

After weeks of tireless effort, Lucky was out of immediate danger but still had severe health issues. As his eyes began to open, he was diagnosed with a yeast infection and corneal ulcer, leading to the removal of one eye.

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Source: @luckysecondchanceatlife_

“We discovered he was blind in one eye, with a puncture and corneal ulcer causing pain, requiring the eye’s removal at four months,” Clanay shared.

By ten weeks, Lucky was diagnosed with albinism, a condition due to a recessive gene from inbreeding. His early life was fraught with challenges, yet he never lost his will to live.

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Source: @luckysecondchanceatlife_

His first year was an uphill battle, marked by loss and health issues, but his fighting spirit never wavered, making his bond with Clanay even stronger.

Lucky – The Quirky Companion

Meet Lucky today! After surviving immense hardships, he’s now the quirkiest, fluffiest, and most affectionate member of his family. His resilience has shaped him into a confident, loving companion.

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Source: @luckysecondchanceatlife_

At eight years old, Lucky is happier than ever. With his wonderful family, he enjoys making memories, as if his harsh past never existed. His transformation is a testament to his incredible spirit.

Lucky’s favorite thing is spending time with kids, embodying a playful nature himself. His new baby sister has become the center of his world, and he adores every moment with her.

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Source: @luckysecondchanceatlife_

From a forsaken pup with no future, Lucky has become the luckiest dog on Earth, thriving in a loving home that cherishes him.


  • Lucky is truly a miracle. How can I support your rescue efforts?

  • oreo_moonshadow

    Thank you, Clanay, for your dedication! You are a true hero! 😊

  • sashacascade

    Why do people treat animals so cruelly? This makes me so mad!

  • What an incredible story! How is Lucky doing now? 🐾

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