Shiba Inu’s Unusual Pre-Meal Ritual Leaves Internet Stunned and Divided

Published: July 16, 2024

Shiba Inu's Unusual Pre-Meal Ritual Leaves Internet Stunned and Divided


The Enigmatic Shiba Inu

The image of a Shiba Inu lowering its head as if in prayer before eating has sparked a widespread debate online. This heartwarming scene has captivated many pet lovers, prompting questions about the spiritual capacities of our furry friends. Can dogs genuinely engage in spiritual acts, or is this merely a testament to their remarkable trainability? The discussion has undeniably touched a nerve with a broad audience.

Dogs are incredibly trainable and can learn various behaviors, including waiting for a command before eating. In this Shiba Inu’s case, the owner prays aloud before giving the signal to eat. While it appears the dog is joining in prayer, it is more likely a result of consistent training over time.

The dog’s posture, mimicking a prayer stance, is likely a trained behavior. Dogs, motivated by food, will perform actions to receive their meals. This Shiba Inu sits patiently, staring at the food, awaiting the owner’s cue. This anticipation probably makes the dog more willing to “pray” if it means getting a tasty meal.

The debate has divided viewers into two main camps. Some believe dogs can connect with a higher power, suggesting the Shiba Inu’s actions are spiritual. Others recognize it as a well-executed training routine, showcasing the dog’s obedience and intelligence.

Shiba Inu's Unusual Pre-Meal Ritual Leaves Internet Stunned and Divided-1
Source: Image Credit: YouTube

A Broader Perspective

Most people agree that dogs are inherently good and don’t need religious rituals for forgiveness or salvation. If you believe in a higher power, you might think dogs were created perfectly and don’t require spiritual practices to be virtuous. This belief adds another layer to the ongoing debate.

Reactions to the video have been varied, but many find the act endearing and amusing rather than a serious spiritual display. Social media comments reflect this sentiment, with many appreciating the gesture as a result of dedicated training by the dog’s parents.

The Shiba Inu isn’t the first dog to gain attention for “praying” before a meal. A Jack Russell Terrier once went viral for a similar act on America’s Funniest Home Videos. These instances suggest that teaching dogs this pose is relatively common and often intended to entertain viewers.

Shiba Inu's Unusual Pre-Meal Ritual Leaves Internet Stunned and Divided-1
Source: Image Credit: YouTube

Our desire to see dogs participate in human-like activities, such as praying, highlights the deep bond we share with our pets. We often involve them in our daily routines, including religious practices. While it may not be a true spiritual act for the dogs, it certainly strengthens the connection between pets and their owners.

The Joy of Shared Moments

Believing your dog is praying, even if it’s just a trained behavior, can bring immense joy and deepen your relationship with your pet. It’s a harmless and heartwarming practice that many pet owners enjoy sharing. This shared belief can enhance the bond between a pet and its owner.

Videos of dogs appearing to pray have attracted thousands, if not millions, of views online. This popularity indicates that people find this behavior incredibly cute and entertaining. It’s a testament to how much we cherish our pets and the joy they bring into our lives.

Shiba Inu's Unusual Pre-Meal Ritual Leaves Internet Stunned and Divided-1
Source: Image Credit: YouTube

Whether you view the Shiba Inu’s prayer stance as a spiritual act or a well-trained behavior, it’s clear that it resonates with many people. It brings a smile to our faces and highlights the special place dogs hold in our hearts. Instead of arguing about it online, spend quality time with your furry friend.

This endearing act of the Shiba Inu bowing before its meal has sparked conversations and brought joy to many. It reminds us of the simple pleasures and the deep connections we share with our pets. So, embrace these special moments and cherish the time spent with your beloved companions.


The Shiba Inu’s pre-meal ritual has undoubtedly touched hearts and sparked debates, but it ultimately highlights the incredible bond between humans and their pets. Whether viewed as a spiritual act or a display of training, it underscores the joy pets bring into our lives.

Shiba Inu's Unusual Pre-Meal Ritual Leaves Internet Stunned and Divided-1
Source: Image Credit: YouTube

As pet lovers, we cherish these unique behaviors and the happiness they bring. This Shiba Inu’s actions remind us of the special place pets hold in our hearts and the joy of sharing our lives with them. Embrace these moments and celebrate the deep connection you have with your furry friends.

In the end, the Shiba Inu bowing its head in prayer before eating is a beautiful reminder of the bond we share with our pets. It brings a smile to our faces and warms our hearts, showcasing the incredible love and joy pets bring into our lives.

So, next time you see a video of a dog appearing to pray, remember the unique bond you share with your pet. Cherish these moments and celebrate the joy they bring, making your life richer and more fulfilling.


  • Nathaniel

    What a lovely read! My cat sits like a loaf before meals, but this is on another level. 😂

  • It’s incredible how much effort people put into training their pets. Hats off to this Shiba’s owner!

  • WesleyEnigma6

    My Shiba Inu does something similar but not nearly as cute. Any training tips for making it look this polished?

  • Why are people getting so worked up over a dog trick? It’s just a fun thing to watch!

  • I think it’s amazing how dogs can learn so much from us. Thank you for sharing this heartwarming story.

  • Isabella

    Isn’t this just a cute trick? Either way, it’s super sweet!

  • Wow, that’s so adorable! 😍 My dog just barks when he’s hungry. How can I teach him to do this?

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