The Heartfelt Secret This Adopted Pitbull Hid From His New Family

Published: August 4, 2024

The Heartfelt Secret This Adopted Pitbull Hid From His New Family


A New Beginning

From the moment the shelter staff discovered Koby and his siblings abandoned in a cardboard box, their lives took a turn. The poor pups were immediately taken in, but their stay at the kill shelter was short-lived. Ollie’s Angels Animal Rescue stepped in to save them, offering a chance at life and love.

In 2021, Steven and Jessica, a newlywed couple with a yearning for a furry companion, visited the rescue. They were instantly drawn to Koby, a tan Pitbull with soulful eyes. The bond was immediate. “The first time we got to hold him, he just sunk in our arms,” Steven shared.

That very day, Koby found his forever home with Steven and Jessica. However, the adjustment wasn’t easy for the little pup. The initial nights were restless, but a stuffed animal that mimicked a heartbeat helped him feel secure. Koby started to warm up to his new life, finding solace in his new family.

The Heartfelt Secret This Adopted Pitbull Hid From His New Family-1
Source: @koby_the_pit

Koby quickly proved to be a gentle and loving companion. He adored snuggling on the couch with his dad and cherished every moment spent with his new parents. Steven was amazed by how affectionate Pitbulls could be, a trait he hadn’t known before Koby.

Unbreakable Bonds

As Koby settled in, his love for his new family grew exponentially. Steven and Jessica showered him with affection, raising him like their own child. The pup reciprocated by wanting to be with them all the time, showing visible sadness when he couldn’t be by their side. His expressive eyes always conveyed his emotions.

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Source: @koby_the_pit

“It’s like looking at a person. You know exactly what he’s feeling just based on his eyes alone,” Jessica remarked. Koby’s deep emotional connection with his parents became evident in every interaction. He felt their love and responded with unwavering loyalty.

The separation from his mother at such a young age left a mark on Koby. He missed the warmth and love of his biological mom, but he poured all his affection into his human parents. His protective nature shone through, especially when Jessica was pregnant.

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Source: @koby_the_pit

Koby was always by Jessica’s side, resting his head on her baby bump, ensuring everything was alright. This protective instinct extended to his new human sister, whom he watched over with the same love and care.

Dad’s Little Shadow

Although Koby adored his mom, his heart beat fastest for his dad. Every day, he would sit on the couch, gazing out the window, eagerly waiting for Steven to return from work. The moment he saw his dad, he would sprint towards him, tail wagging furiously, ready to shower him with hugs and kisses.

Steven’s heart melted every time he was greeted by Koby. “He’s become such an important part of my every day,” Steven said. “If I have a tough day at work, it’s nice coming home to a beautiful wife, but it’s also nice coming home to somebody that you know is guaranteed gonna greet you with excitement and hugs and kisses.”

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Source: GeoBeats Animals

Koby’s presence brought immense joy and comfort to Steven and Jessica. They couldn’t imagine their lives without their beloved Pitbull. The bond they shared was unbreakable and filled with mutual love and respect.

Even though Koby’s early days were filled with hardship, his new life was a testament to the power of love and second chances. The couple’s dedication to providing him with a loving home transformed Koby’s world.

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Source: @koby_the_pit

A Happy Family

Koby’s life story continued to inspire many. He became a proud big brother, watching over his human sister with the same protective and loving nature he had shown to his parents. The family’s journey was often shared on social media, capturing the hearts of many.

Koby’s updates on Instagram showcased his dream life with his family. The sweet pup, once abandoned, now thrived in an environment filled with unconditional love and care. His new family’s commitment to his well-being was evident in every post.

The Heartfelt Secret This Adopted Pitbull Hid From His New Family-1
Source: @koby_the_pit

Steven and Jessica’s home was complete with Koby’s presence. The adorable pup brought a unique joy that only a pet can provide. Their life together was a beautiful example of how adopting a pet could change lives for the better.

Koby’s transformation from a helpless puppy to a beloved family member was nothing short of miraculous. His story reminded everyone of the incredible impact that love and compassion could have on the life of an animal.


  • Such a touching tale, but I wish there were more details about his siblings. What happened to them?

  • HaleyAstral

    This story melted my heart. Thank you for sharing Koby’s journey!

  • NalaCelestia

    How do they manage to keep Koby entertained while they’re at work? Any tips?

  • Omg, the photo of Koby resting his head on Jessica’s baby bump is too cute!

  • XavierLuminary6

    I’m so glad Koby found a wonderful family. Pitbulls are often misunderstood.

  • ryanluminary

    What a beautiful story! 😍 Koby is so lucky to have found such a loving home.

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