This Heartbreaking Footage Will Make You Question Humanity

Published: August 21, 2024

This Heartbreaking Footage Will Make You Question Humanity


An Act Of Pure Cruelty

The footage captured by a neighborhood security camera revealed an act of pure cruelty that left many in disbelief. A heartless owner pretended to take his Pittie dog for a walk, stopping in front of a bar. It was here that the unimaginable happened!

The man tied the dog to a nearby pole with clear intentions of abandoning her. The dog, unaware of the betrayal, wagged her tail and remained relaxed, thinking it was just another night out. But, only seconds later, he walked away, leaving her alone.

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Source: Facebook

For a while, the Pittie stood there, looking in the direction her owner walked, hoping he would return. Sadly, that never happened. The dog eventually lay on the ground, truly heartbroken and abandoned.

But unlike her owner, fate had something better in store for this Pittie. Luck was about to shine on her!

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Source: Facebook

Saved By The Bell

Upon seeing the footage, a concerned man contacted Dr. Nathy, a vet and dog rescuer with a giant heart. Moved by the dog’s plight, she wasted no time and rushed to the location the next day. There, she found the despondent Pittie, hiding a shocking secret!

It wasn’t apparent the night before, but this female Pittie was days away from giving birth. Dr. Nathy was stunned that the dog had been abandoned in such a vulnerable state. She quickly loaded the dog into her car and brought her home.

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Source: Facebook

The dog, soon named Laura, required immediate care and a cozy place to stay. With her big belly, she seemed ready to deliver her puppies any moment. Dr. Nathy felt immense gratitude for finding this brave girl in time.

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Source: Facebook

Laura seemed to sense that she was safe now. She fully relaxed and found comfort in her new foster mom’s lap, knowing that from now on, everything would be alright.

Wonderful Turn Of Events

Just a couple of days later, Laura brought joy to her caregiver’s life with an amazing surprise. She delivered five healthy puppies, named Mark, David, Shannon, Bob, and Maki. All of them were in excellent health, thanks to the care provided by both Nathy and their mom, Laura.

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Source: Dogs Are Family

The pups and their mom stayed at Nathy’s home throughout the nursing period. When the time came for a new home, each pup found their way to loving families. Nathy and Laura were then in for another surprise!

A wonderful family offered to adopt the incredible Pittie mom. After everything Laura had endured, Nathy was elated to know she would have a good home. It was a bittersweet moment to say goodbye, but it was for the best.

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Source: Facebook

Laura had weathered the worst storm of her life. Now, she could enjoy the warmth of a forever home, never having to worry about being abandoned again.


  • That man deserves to be tied to a pole too! Just kidding… sorta. 😜

  • LucyJade

    Is there any way we can help support Dr. Nathy’s rescue efforts?

  • Thank you, Dr. Nathy, for rescuing her. You’re a hero!

  • ChloeShadow

    How can someone be so heartless? Poor Laura! 😢

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