Witness the Miraculous Bond Between a Foster Mom and Her Rescue Dog

Published: July 8, 2024

Witness the Miraculous Bond Between a Foster Mom and Her Rescue Dog


The Dog With An Unusual Habit

Right from her arrival at the shelter, Dolly radiated sweetness. Despite being housebroken, she wasn’t adopted immediately. Days turned into weeks, and Dolly remained at the shelter. The volunteers at City of Buffalo Animal Shelter were confident she would find her forever home, but there was one obstacle: the black dog syndrome.

This so-called syndrome unfairly affects dark-colored dogs as they are often overlooked either due to perceived lack of attractiveness or unfounded fears of aggression. Yet, Dolly’s affectionate nature proved these stereotypes wrong. All dogs, regardless of appearance, are worthy of love and a home. Dolly’s luck began to change when she met her foster mom, Katie.

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Source: Facebook

When Katie brought Dolly home, she was a timid girl lacking in confidence. However, under Katie’s care, Dolly transformed into a spirited and happy dog. Katie quickly discovered something endearing about Dolly: Dolly loves to hold hands!

This habit began innocently enough when Katie taught Dolly the “paw” command. Dolly enjoyed it so much that she would continually raise her paw, seeking more attention and affection. “Then it turned into if I was sitting down she would jump up on the bed or couch and sit next to me and instantly put her paw out for me to hold,” Katie explained. Dolly’s need for attention, particularly in the car, became a heartwarming routine.

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Source: Facebook

Paw In Hand Makes A Difference

The black dog syndrome is a widespread issue, not just in Buffalo but across the United States. It’s time to abandon these baseless beliefs and adopt dogs of all colors and breeds. Shelter statistics reveal a dire need for change. While New York boasts a 90.6% saving rate, states like Texas and California lag behind with a 76.7% rate.

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Source: Facebook

Many dogs, unlike Dolly, don’t get a second chance or a loving foster home. Dolly’s story is one of fortune—she found someone willing to give her the love and care she deserved. Dolly’s life is filled with cuddles, treats, and a hopeful future.

Most importantly, she has someone to hold her paw. This simple act of affection makes a world of difference. Think about the countless dogs who never experience this kind of bond. Will you be the one to offer your hand?

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Source: Facebook

Because a paw in hand changes lives today, tomorrow, and forever. Let’s make a difference, one paw at a time.


  • Ruby_Celestia

    Did anyone else tear up reading this? Dolly sounds like such a sweetheart. We need more Katies in the world! 💖

  • What a beautiful bond! Thank you for sharing Dolly’s story and bringing attention to black dog syndrome! 🙏

  • Jasmine_Cipher

    This story is so heartwarming! How long did it take for Dolly to come out of her shell and start holding hands? 🐾

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