Woman’s Heartwarming Mission to Fulfill a Dying Dog’s Final Wish

Published: July 17, 2024

Woman's Heartwarming Mission to Fulfill a Dying Dog's Final Wish


A Heartbreaking Diagnosis

Shelters often become the last resort for many dogs, especially the older ones. The same happened to a puppy named DeVito at Forgotten, Now Family Rescue, a North Carolina-based organization. While most puppies usually get adopted quickly, DeVito’s fate took a grim turn from the start.

Initially, shelter workers believed DeVito’s condition wasn’t severe and that he would recover soon. However, the organization’s owner, Chrissy Elder, sensed something was amiss. She took DeVito for a comprehensive check-up, which unfortunately confirmed her fears.

The diagnosis was heart-wrenching. DeVito had severe S.A.S Subvalvular aortic stenosis along with other complex heart issues, including grade 4 heart failure. Surgery wasn’t an option, and doctors gave him a maximum of six months to live.

For Elder, who was also a heart patient, the news was particularly devastating. But instead of giving up, she resolved to make DeVito’s remaining time as joyous as possible.

Turning Tears of Sadness into Joy

Determined to give DeVito the best life possible, Elder decided to spend $3,500 on medications to keep him comfortable. “It wasn’t in our budget but I have no doubt this baby deserves a hospice journey,” she said.

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Source: @forgotten_now_family_rescue

Despite the initial heartbreak, there were moments of joy. DeVito’s condition showed improvement with the medication, and these small victories brought tears of joy to Elder’s eyes.

What truly lifted her spirits was the bond that formed between DeVito and her special-needs son, Bo. Their instant connection was nothing short of magical, and they became inseparable companions.

Instead of sorrow, Elder witnessed a beautiful friendship blossom. Bo finally had a friend who loved him unconditionally, and DeVito had someone to share his final days with.

Creating Cherished Memories

As days turned into weeks, the bond between Bo and DeVito grew stronger. Every moment they spent together was a testament to the power of love and companionship. Elder found solace in knowing DeVito was experiencing the joy he deserved.

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Source: @forgotten_now_family_rescue

From playful moments in the yard to quiet snuggles on the couch, each day was filled with happiness. Elder’s heart, although heavy with the impending loss, was lightened by the sight of her son and DeVito enjoying their time together.

DeVito’s presence also brought a new dynamic to the household. His strength and resilience in the face of illness served as an inspiration to everyone. He taught them the value of cherishing each moment.

As the end approached, Elder knew DeVito would leave them, but he would do so surrounded by love. This thought provided her with a sense of peace and fulfillment.

A Lasting Legacy of Love

When the time finally came for DeVito to cross the rainbow bridge, Elder and her family were there to hold him close. He left this world knowing he was cherished and loved, which is all Elder ever wanted for him.

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Source: @forgotten_now_family_rescue

Bo, too, felt the loss but was grateful for the time they had spent together. The bond they shared left an indelible mark on his heart, teaching him about love, loss, and the importance of compassion.

Though DeVito’s life was brief, it was filled with profound love and happiness. Elder vowed to continue her rescue mission, inspired by the little pup who had brought so much joy into their lives.

In the end, DeVito’s story is a powerful reminder that every moment of love we share with our pets counts. It’s a legacy of compassion that Elder and her family will carry forward.


  • AlexanderArtemis

    Such dedication! How can we donate to Forgotten, Now Family Rescue? Would love to help!

  • adamethereal

    This story is both heartwarming and heartbreaking. DeVito was so lucky to have you. 😢

  • camila_nebulae

    Wow, $3,500 on medications! That’s dedication. How’s the rescue organization doing financially?

  • Thank you, Chrissy Elder, for showing the world what true compassion looks like ❤️

  • Such a touching story! How did Bo react when he first met DeVito?

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