You Won’t Believe What This Furry Family Did Next In Her Yard!

Published: July 27, 2024

You Won't Believe What This Furry Family Did Next In Her Yard!


The Return of the Furry Guests

Leanne Purdy Van Bergen’s spacious yard found an unexpected purpose when nature brought her an adorable animal family last spring. The mother fox and her cubs filled her days with joy, but their sudden departure left a void. This year, she could hardly contain her excitement when they reappeared, and they weren’t alone!

Her heart swelled with happiness as she noticed that not only had the mother fox returned, but she also brought along a friend and five new pups. Van Bergen’s yard was once again bustling with life, and her heart felt full. It was a sight that she had longed to see again.

Van Bergen marveled at how the two mother foxes shared parental duties. She observed that the pups would nurse from both mothers, a testament to their caring nature. “It’s just amazing to watch them,” she shared, her voice filled with awe.

The presence of these foxes brought immense joy to Van Bergen’s life. She cherished every moment, watching these beautiful creatures thrive in her garden. Her yard had become a sanctuary, a place where life and love flourished.

Playtime and Bonding

The fox mothers, adept at nurturing, also excelled in creating an engaging environment for their young. Playtime was just as important as survival skills, and they ensured their pups had plenty of both. Van Bergen was delighted to see the mothers bringing toys to their playful brood.

“So many toys,” Van Bergen laughed. “Stuffed bears, stuffed rabbits, dolls, balls, and even work gloves. It was hilarious!” Her yard had turned into a playground for these energetic pups, and she loved every moment of it.

You Won't Believe What This Furry Family Did Next In Her Yard!-1
Source: @leannev68

The little foxes were healthy and full of energy, and Van Bergen took pride in being a part of their journey. She watched them play and grow, knowing that her yard had become a safe haven for them.

“I love having them here,” she said with a smile. “I wish they could stay forever, but I understand they need to learn and move on.” Her love for these animals was evident in every word she spoke.

A Bond Beyond Words

The bond between Van Bergen and her furry visitors was extraordinary. She felt honored to witness their daily life and contribute to their well-being. The sight of the foxes playing and learning in her yard brought her immense joy and peace.

She shared how the mothers would teach their pups essential survival skills, ensuring they were well-prepared for life beyond her yard. Van Bergen’s admiration for these animals grew with each passing day.

Her yard became a place of learning and growth, not just for the foxes but for Van Bergen as well. She learned to appreciate the simple joys of life and the beauty of nature’s cycles.

You Won't Believe What This Furry Family Did Next In Her Yard!-1
Source: @leannev68

Van Bergen eagerly awaited the return of her furry friends each year, knowing that her yard would once again be filled with laughter and love. The foxes had become an integral part of her life, and she cherished every moment with them.

Looking Forward to Next Year

As the seasons changed, Van Bergen knew the time would come for the foxes to move on. Yet, she remained hopeful, believing that they would return once more. The anticipation of their arrival filled her heart with joy and excitement.

She took solace in the memories they created together, knowing that her yard would always be a place of refuge for these wonderful creatures. Van Bergen’s connection with the foxes was a testament to the magic of nature.

“I can’t wait to see them again next year,” she said with a hopeful smile. “Each visit is a new chapter in our story, and I look forward to every moment.” Her love for the foxes was unwavering.

Van Bergen’s yard had become more than just a patch of grass; it was a sanctuary of love and life. With each passing year, she eagerly awaited the return of her adorable furry family, ready to create new memories and share in their incredible journey.


  • Seriously, how do you manage to keep your yard so inviting for them? Any tips?

  • michaelsolar

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. It’s truly inspiring to see how nature can bring so much joy.

  • OMG, so cute! I can’t believe they brought toys too. That’s hilarious! 😂

  • That’s amazing! Do the foxes ever interact with your pets? 🤔

  • julianbeacon

    Wow, this is so heartwarming! How do you keep them safe from other animals? 🦊🦊

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