You Won’t Believe What This Man Found Tied To His Office Door

Published: October 2, 2024

You Won't Believe What This Man Found Tied To His Office Door


Task #1:

Task #2:

Task #3:

A Mysterious Find

Scott Lockard, an employee at the Oklahoma Humane Society, arrived at work one seemingly ordinary day. As he approached the door, he noticed a black bag tied to the handle. Curious yet cautious, he decided to investigate further.

To his surprise, he discovered a small brown dog inside the bag. This wasn’t Scott’s first encounter with abandoned animals, but it still tugged at his heartstrings. He immediately thought about making the pup comfortable, ensuring she had food and water.

In the bag, Scott found a note stating: Her name is Maris, find her a good home. It was evident that the person who left her had good intentions but couldn’t care for her anymore. This heartfelt message added another layer to the already emotional discovery.

Maris, though a bit shy and reserved, appeared to be in good health. Scott’s main concern was to provide her a safe place where she could start to feel at home. The journey for Maris had just begun.

The Bigger Picture

The Oklahoma Humane Society decided to take action, posting about Maris on social media to raise awareness. Roshelle Anderson, the marketing manager, emphasized that the post wasn’t to shame the person who left Maris but to highlight a growing issue in their community.

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Source: Facebook

Adoptions were lagging behind the rate of abandonments, putting a significant strain on the shelter’s resources. They hoped that by sharing Maris’s story, they could inspire more people to consider adopting pets in need.

This wasn’t an isolated incident. The center was overwhelmed with more dogs than they could adequately care for. Their plea was simple yet urgent: anyone who has the ability to adopt a dog, please step forward and provide these animals with a loving home.

As Maris awaited her forever home, the shelter staff remained hopeful. Her sweet nature and endearing personality made them confident that someone would soon come to claim her and give her the loving family she deserved.

A Call to Action

The story of Maris serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by animal shelters. Every abandoned pet has a story, and every adoption can change a life. The center urged the community to get involved and make a difference.

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Source: Oklahoma Humane Society

Many dogs like Maris are left at the shelter’s doorstep, each carrying the hope of finding a new home. The humane society’s efforts to publicize these stories aim to spark a change in how the community addresses pet abandonments.

Scott’s encounter with Maris wasn’t just about finding a dog in a bag; it was about shedding light on a much larger issue. The need for more adoptions was critical, and every act of kindness could have a ripple effect.

As the days passed, the staff kept their fingers crossed for Maris. They knew that her story could be the catalyst for many other dogs to find their forever homes. Each adoption was a victory for the shelter and a new beginning for the animals in their care.

Hope for Maris

Despite the challenges, the shelter remained optimistic about Maris’s future. Her gentle demeanor and adorable appearance made her a strong candidate for adoption. The staff continued to share her story, hoping to find the perfect match.

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Source: Oklahoma Humane Society

Maris’s journey from the black bag to the shelter was a testament to the resilience and hope that these animals possess. Every day, the shelter worked tirelessly to ensure that dogs like Maris get the chance they deserve.

The note left with Maris was a poignant reminder of the human side of these stories. It was clear that her previous owner cared deeply but was unable to provide for her. The shelter aimed to honor that sentiment by finding Maris a loving home.

As Maris waited for her new family, she became a symbol of the shelter’s mission. Her story was shared far and wide, touching hearts and inspiring action. The hope was that soon, Maris would be in a place she could call home.


  • Heartbreaking but also hopeful. Kudos to the Oklahoma Humane Society for their dedication. <3

  • Wow, what a touching story. How can someone adopt Maris? I’d love to give her a forever home!

  • GingerHarmony

    OMG, poor Maris! Thank you so much for sharing her story and raising awareness. 🐾

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